AC Lion
Covid’s Silver Lining: A Suddenly Broader Talent Pool
In 2020 the world of work experienced the most massive shift it has ever experienced. Greater than the impacts of the industrial revolution. Greater than the impacts that technology has had on every industry. In 2020 the impact of COVID-19 rapidly—almost instantaneously—led to a sea change in how many employers viewed the ability of their…
Read MoreThings I Wish I Knew About COVID Hiring in March
Business Insider reports that only 4% of workers want to return to the office full-time after COVID. This number is down from 33% in April. The number of telecommuters has been steadily rising well before COVID. Studies have also shown that workers are more engaged and productive when working from home. Traditional habits die hard,…
Read MoreCreating a Work from Home Workforce in the Age of Coronavirus
The coronavirus pushed the mainstream professional world down a path it has been flirting with for a long time – the Way of the Remote Workforce. Global Workplace Analytics informs us that 3.6% of the American workforce is already remote, a number that is up 140% since 2015. Today, 40% more of companies offer a…
Read MoreHiring Safely During the Coronavirus
The coronavirus is a part of our professional lives now, with its influence even slowing down some of the world’s most elite companies. Even giants like American Airlines are implementing a hiring freeze. If your company is like most others, you can’t afford to slow down for long. This includes the hiring process. The show…
Read MoreThe Top Five Hiring Mistakes Digital Companies Make (How to Avoid Them!)
We’ve all been there–made a mistake in hiring. And you are not alone. Here are five common mistakes digital companies make in hiring new employees and some ways to prevent making the same mistakes and hiring the wrong person. The cost of a bad hire can really set you back. 1. Hiring based on…
Read More7 Things to Look for When Hiring for a Digital Startup
The past few decades have been fantastic for digital startups. Innovation and technologically-driven achievement have been the trademark of this era, and there’s never been a better time to start a business. This period of innovation, however, has generated a lot of buzz about the tech startup world, and it can sometimes seem as though…
Read MoreHow to Recruit Like A Marketer
by Mark Heidelberger Human resources personnel can learn a lot from the sales and marketing department. After all, both are tasked with attracting a targeted group of people. Both have to deal with prospect attrition as they convert potential into actual. Both offer a value proposition, by way of a product or service on the…
Read MoreHow to Pick The Right Hiring Partner
It’s hard to find good help these days — unless you have good help that is helping you look. Having a truly professional recruitment process is a must if you plan on hiring employees who will make your company competitive in today’s digitally transformed, lightning fast business landscape. Let’s take a look at what you…
Read More5 Tips For Attracting The Right Talent To Your Organization
Attracting the right fit talent is a huge undertaking for most organizations, and third party recruiting companies are now at the heart of it all. A company is just as exceptional as its employees, and to get exceptional candidates, a strong recruitment process is crucial. Firms that choose to use traditional HR techniques will most…
Read MoreHow to Hire the Best in Breed Sales and Marketing in Today’s Talent Market
Your systems and operations have proven themselves, and your products and services sell. Your final, and arguably most important component for business optimization, is a sales and marketing team to get you the right customers. The landscape for elite talent is always a seller’s market. You will be in competition with your industry’s usual suspects,…
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