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The Art of the Resignation

  The whole process of transitioning from one job to the next is a topic that is often overlooked. The digital media industry is a fast paced and ever-changing close-knit community. It’s commonplace to leave one start-up for the next (almost a bit incestuous, but in a clean way), which is why it is imperative…

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Enough Nickel and Diming, How About Mobile Payments?

  Mobile phones have surpassed wallets on the worst things to lose list. To paraphrase moderator Rich Ullman from the PluggedIn Ventures Mobile Payment roundtable on January 29th: “Leave your wallet by your in-laws in Buffalo – wait for it to be shipped. Leave your mobile phone – drive 5 hours to Buffalo.” 2012 was a breakout year…

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How To Find a Job in 2013

To be utterly honest, job hunting sucks. There, the word is out. Whether employed or unemployed it is a less than joyous experience to be in the metaphoric “searching for new opportunities” boat. Most job searchers feel that they are entitled to at least getting a response to their application and in a perfect world…

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Here We Come 2013 (And a Quick Look At 2012):

Amidst our impressive 15+ years of traversing the Digital Media landscape (17 to be exact) this past year was one of our best. In every company it’s the employees that transport the business to the next level of success, and over the past year AC Lion made a concerted effort to focus on its people.…

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Social Media On TV: Tweeting With Your Shows!

Earlier this morning I attended PluggedIn Ventures Roundtable “Second Screens & Social TV” and it couldn’t have been better. I jotted a few notes and here’s a quick summary: Social TV, a general term for technology that supports communication and social interaction in either the context of watching television, or related to TV content is truly taking…

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A Must Read Before Considering A Counteroffer!

– Credibility: Whatever you had, gone. You could be the best man/woman in the office, but as soon as your manager or boss discovers you’re looking elsewhere (which they will once you tell them you have an offer) you are no longer a confidante, you are now a flight risk. Imagine if you’re dating exclusively…

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AC Lion Welcomes our Summer Interns 2012

For people who have never worked an office job before, there are all sorts of pre-conceived notions that come with the first day. You assume that it will fall somewhere between Office Space and The Office, but struggle with understanding exactly what the corporate culture will be like until you get to work and experience…

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AC Lion CEO Moderates TechCrunch Innovation Road Show Panel

Watch out Facebook, Apple Itunes and Zipcar! Custom app warehouse, Facebook TV, and a “zipcar between friends” were among the numerous concepts shared at Tech Crunch Disrupt in New York. Tuesday night there was a standing room only event at Morgan Stanley featuring over 20 pioneering Israeli Startups and an esteemed panel of accomplished entrepreneurs…

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Playing ‘Would You Rather’ With Your Interviewer

Here is latest article from our CEO Alan Cutter! Admit it – interviewing is rarely a fun game to play in Candy Land; you can find yourself navigating through chutes and ladders in a trivial pursuit to find a clue to the right job without taking much risk and landing in a taboo situation only…

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The Top Eleven of 2011!

For AC Lion and our clients, 2011 was a very exciting year. We have been privileged to work with a diversified client base across the digital media landscape and some of the most talented professionals in the field.  Whether mobile or media, exchanges or enterprise, agencies or analytics, AC Lion brings a track record of over…

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