The Art of the Resignation

The whole process of transitioning from one job to the next is a topic that is often overlooked. The digital media industry is a fast paced and ever-changing close-knit community. It’s commonplace to leave one start-up for the next (almost a bit incestuous, but in a clean way), which is why it is imperative to never burn a bridge. It doesn’t matter if you have been at a company for 20 days or 20 years, you are in a professional environment and everyone deserves your professional respect. Additionally, you never know when you might cross paths again – a reference check for future employment, networking opportunity, or even as a potential client. Though not rocket science, the art of the resignation takes tact and is a bit dicier than one might have originally thought.
5 Points To Keep In Mind When Quitting:
1) Give written notice (preferably 2 weeks) and its best to only do so when you have a written offer in hand. You might need to give more than just a two week notice if you have to transfer over a larger work load – be courteous.
2) Don’t demand (or even really ask for) a counter offer; aside from the plethora of reasons NOT to accept a counter offer, no one likes to answer demands (it might be wise to prep in the event you are made a counter offer).
3) Don’t go around telling everyone you’re out the door before having the official meeting with your boss/manager (I’m not talking about the one or two co-workers you gossip with on gchat, but don’t say goodbyes yet) he/she deserves to hear the news from you, first hand.
4) Be positive: even if you hate the company and you feel they mistreated you, don’t be tempted to make a scene like Jerry McGuire – it’s in your best interests to not make a fool of yourself – leave quietly and respectfully. You would be surprised at how quickly the word spreads that you’re a jerkface or how quickly a video of your outburst can go viral. Also, this should go without saying, don’t air-out the dirty laundry once you’re out the door.
5) Depending on your company you may have an exit interview or the opportunity to speak your mind – be upfront, honest and let them know what sparked you to pursue a new venture – that being said, don’t be too critical and don’t put co-workers or the company down (there’s a difference between being critical and giving constructive criticism; even constructive criticism may not be welcomed, so tread with caution).
Bottom Line:
By following the aforementioned points you can almost guarantee that you will be leaving on better than good terms and taking the relationships you’ve established onto your future endeavors (remember to keep the lines of communication open). The perfect exit is one that can lead to re-entry; leave them wanting more. You want to be missed.