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Nationally Ranked Recruiter – 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and now 2022!

Nationaly Ranked Aqaured


A Letter from Our CEO:


Back in 2017, Tom Brady was winning the Super Bowl for my New England Patriots…

Back then, Big Little Lies and the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel were in their first season…

Back then, the wrong winner was announced for Best Picture—Lala Land could not hold a candle to Moonlight…


But one thing has stayed constant: AC Lion is a Best Executive Recruiter by Forbes – nationally ranked 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and now 2022. We have been innovating in recruiting for 25 years and it shows.


A few of the things we have learned over the years:

  1. A great track record in a competitor’s business does not reliably predict success in yours.   Understanding, and the matching of personality styles and behaviors, are critical aspects of a search and recruitment process which is so often overlooked.
  2. SME is a differentiator. Our team comes from the industries we recruit for. It is like going to your primary care or the best cardiologist in town—SME wins out every time.
  3. Knowing your market and the current comp landscape. While money isn’t everything, having great perks or an innovative leader won’t overcome a significantly lower comp range.
  4. Your hire’s EQ is as important as their IQ. Hiring for leadership means more than just hiring for check points off a resume.  That is why we developed our award-winning AC Lion EQ platform, which delivers 97% retention after one year.
  5. Don’t rest on your laurels. A past track record of success is just a building block for the future.  Innovate, collaborate, test, and try again.  We are an innovative company working with top tech innovators across the globe.



Our model of high touch and high-tech recruiting has proven to be wildly successful in today’s talent acquisition environment.

We couldn’t be more proud. All of us at AC Lion are ecstatic about this recognition once again and we know the relationships we have with our candidates and clients are what make our jobs so fulfilling. Working with skilled and driven professionals to find them their ideal position, or helping a client identify the candidate who is the right fit for their organization, is why we are so passionate about recruiting!

Let us know if we can help you bring some of our recruiting and retention success to your company and join me in congratulating my team of Lions, who are proud of their work.



Alan Cutter, CEO




Contact us today to learn more about how our award-winning recruiters can help find the right talent for your hiring needs – or help you find your next opportunity.

Alan Cutter

Alan Cutter founded New York City's premier digital media recruiting agency, AC Lion International, and continues to lead the growing company as their fearless CEO. For over 20 years, AC Lion has been the trusted provider of revenue generating talent in the digital and technology landscape. Our reach spans from innovative venture-backed startups to enterprise level organizations. AC Lion is a proud member of the Lionseye Group, a collective of brands furthering talent acquisition through Venture Capital, HR Technology and Thought Leadership.