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Best practices for conducting successful virtual interviews and assessments in executive and digital recruitment


Virtual interviews and assessments are essential for executive and digital recruitment today. Increased flexibility, reduced costs, and the capability to connect with a global talent pool are a few of the benefits companies experience when implementing a virtual interview process. However, successful virtual interviews and assessments require intentional planning and execution. Creating a professional, engaging environment, utilizing the best technology, and implementing the best assessment methods for talent acquisition are key aspects of conducting virtual interviews. In this blog post, we dive into the best practices for conducting virtual interviews and assessments.

Establishing the Right Environment

Creating a comfortable, professional virtual environment is vital for company interactions; virtual interviews and assessments are no exception. Establishing the right environment for virtual interactions facilitates effective communication, a significant aspect of the interview process.

Here are a few tips to help you set up a successful virtual environment for executive recruitment interviews and assessments:

Select the Right Platform

There are many virtual interviewing platforms available today. Pre-pandemic, about 60% of companies worldwide chose virtual technology for their hiring processes. The popularity of virtual platforms is on the rise, with over 85% of companies using a virtual hiring process. The right platform is crucial for success. Choosing one that will offer seamless communication between the interviewer and the candidate is important. A reputation for reliability and secure communication is critical.

Test Audio and Video

Establishing a professional, comfortable environment involves taking precautions to eliminate distractions. Testing your technical setup is imperative before conducting an interview. Ensuring you have a reliable internet connection is only one step of the testing process. Testing your equipment’s audio and video components and the video platform being used is essential. It is advisable to encourage candidates to check their audio and video capabilities before the interview to avoid technical issues.

Create a Professional Setting

Creating a professional virtual setting does not have to be complicated. In a corporate environment or at your home office, a professional setting will be organized and distraction-free. Virtual interviews have other considerations, including choosing a spot without glare from windows and the best lighting for your camera. Minimizing sound and silencing phones is professional and shows you prioritize your interaction with the candidate.

Preparing for the Interview and Assessment

A smooth, effective hiring process involves preparation, from selecting the right interview questions to developing a standardized interview system. Even when establishing a standardized interview system, choosing the right questions will vary from candidate to candidate. While some questions remain the same, there will be questions derived from reviewing candidates’ resumes, cover letters, and other information gathered during the application process.

Building a structured interview process includes clearly defining job requirements for all positions and ensuring interview questions align with those requirements. When developing an interview process establishing a rating system will help keep track of how candidates rank when comparing them after all interviews are complete. An established rating system will help asses technical skills, leadership, and cultural fit during talent acquisition. The purpose of a structured process is to maintain fairness and consistency.

Many executive-level interviews involve an interview panel. Before the meeting, if interview panel members attend virtually, they must test their technology, including internet connectivity, audio, and visual capabilities. In addition, each interview panel member should be aware of individual candidates’ interview questions and rating system and understand which part of the interview is their responsibility.

Another critical aspect of preparation for virtual interviews and assessments involves clear communication with candidates. It is helpful to share information about the format, technical requirements, and other pre-interview preparations so candidates feel comfortable with the process. Communication with candidates helps build rapport and trust before the interview, laying a foundation for interactions during the interview.

Creating a Good Virtual Interview Experience

Engage candidates by starting with a warm welcome, introducing the interviewers, and setting a conversational tone for the interview. Watch candidates’ body language, facial expressions, and gestures during the interview to assess non-verbal cues. Watching for verbal and non-verbal cues will help you discover the candidate’s level of confidence, engagement, and communication skills. Encourage candidates to engage in meaningful conversation to assess their curiosity, problem-solving abilities, and cultural alignment.

Developing Effective Virtual Assessments

Incorporate various assessment tools to assess the candidates’ skills – Psychometric tests, case studies, situational judgment scenarios, and relevant technical skills. Communicate the assessment structure, duration, and specific guidelines clearly. Define standardized assessment criteria to ensure consistency and objectivity when evaluating candidates’ performance across different assessment aspects.

Feedback and Experience Enhancement:

Give timely feedback to candidates. Provide constructive feedback after an interview or assessment in order to support their growth and development regardless of the result. Customize the recruitment process to align with the organization’s brand and values. Use follow-up emails and phone calls to create a positive impression. Collect feedback from candidates and interviewers to identify areas for improvement. Continuously use these insights to refine the recruitment process.

Additional Information about Video Interviewing

  • The impression you make during a virtual interview is as important as one made in person.
  • Candidates often consider virtual interviews more stressful than in-person interviews.
  • Peer interviews are an effective way to attract top talent, be sure to include some of the candidates’ peers in the interview panel or another round of the interview process.
  • Tests and assessments through remote evaluations can help employers evaluate a candidate’s skill level, but video interviews are where top candidates can shine, despite added stress.

At ACLion, we have a proven track record of success using the best virtual hiring techniques. We are a trusted partner for executive and digital recruitment processes specializing top talent acquisition. With a comprehensive approach and commitment to excellence, we stand out as a leading recruitment resource for remote recruitment strategies in today’s competitive market. If you need executive candidates or are looking to advance your career in executive positions or digital roles, we are here to help. Contact us today to receive personalized service. We strive to offer the best experience in your recruitment journey, whether you need to find or fill a position.

Alan Cutter

Alan Cutter founded New York City's premier digital recruiting agency, AC Lion International, and continues to lead the growing company as their fearless CEO. For over 20 years, AC Lion has been the trusted provider of revenue generating talent in the digital and technology landscape. Our reach spans from innovative venture-backed startups to enterprise level organizations. AC Lion is a proud member of the Lionseye Group, a collective of brands furthering talent acquisition through Venture Capital, HR Technology and Thought Leadership.