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3 Signs that it’s Time to Leave Your Sales Job

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Lionseye insights from AC Lion

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You’re cranky and less motivated and you can’t put your finger on why.  Now might be a good time to step back and see the writing that’s already on the wall. Are you stalling in your career? Is the stagnation affecting you personally? It might be time to seek out a different sales job.  All you need to do is determine if it’s time for a change – and to make that leap.  Here are a few scenarios that should help you determine whether or not you’re working in an environment that appropriately values you.

You’ve hit a ceiling – before you even took flight.

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Do you constantly dream of climbing the ladder, taking on more responsibilities, and managing a handpicked team of rockstars?  If your career aspirations include managerial or directorial roles and you are still finding yourself short of these goals after a few years, you may need to ask yourself a few questions.  First off, how big is your company?  Is there a team large enough for you to manage – or room to build your own?  The smaller the business, the shorter the ladder typically can be, and your entry-level position could actually be as high as you climb.

If you are at a larger company with room for advancement, you need to determine whether your superiors deem you fit for management.  If you’ve consistently met and out-performed your goals, taken on mentorship positions, and put in the time to create a strong foundation with your company, now may be the time to reassess your valuation at your current company.  For example, maybe you haven’t received a salary or commission increase in the last couple years, though you attempted to negotiate one.  Perhaps compensation plans were readjusted or drastically slashed to help the company’s bottom line. This might have resulted in your putting in more working hours while not receiving an iota more in remuneration.

Beyond that, if you haven’t received any new responsibilities or promotions – though you proactively went to bat for them – that might be a red flag.  Be aware that your superiors may offer additional training programs or urge you to keep your eye on your goals rather than tell you how they truly feel.  If you’re not making headway after years of hard work and numerous attempts to grow, it may be time to start looking for greener pastures (and higher ceilings).

You’re hungry to learn, but the kitchen is closed.

In order to stay on the cutting edge in a competitive market, management should be affording you the educational opportunities as well opportunities to enhance the skills you already have. While companies can’t always give benefits in the form of revenue, it’s usually easier for them to allocate time and money on your training.  

So ask yourself – are you learning anything these days?


You’ve lost the “love”.


You’ve probably heard it before: “Sell the solution, not the product”.  But to be able to sell the solution, you must believe in your product and its ability to BE that solution.  If you still have a real passion for your industry, but are feeling stalled, your superiors (or even the company as a whole) may be to blame.

 But if you are losing interest, belief in the product, or even your potential customers, you should get out of your industry quickly before these factors have a deeper negative impact on your morale as well as your numbers.  Why make the sale any harder?  

In closing, ask yourself…Do you see yourself at your current job in 5 years?  10?  Or does that prospect depress you?  If you’re not one bit excited about your job, that can be apparent to others.  It can also take a serious toll on your personal life.  You deserve better!  So it’s time to dust off that resume and take the plunge.